Saturday, June 4, 2011

books = bowling

I seriously underestimated the space needed to write 100 book titles.  I may need to improvise. . .

I love our small town summers;

the summer reading program at our library just expanded to adults (free gourmet coffee!!)

last night we took the kids to a first Friday event . . .an outdoor movie {Happy Feet} downtown. . .

the fountain down by the river (where I can sit and read while the kids run and splash.)

Today we are headed off to a wedding of a longtime friend marrying her "Captain Awesome" (That's what she calls him. It cracks me up.)  They met while she was working at an orphanage in China and he was a pilot for the mission she was with. (I think.)  At any rate, this will be a really fun wedding and I just can't wait. Plus, since the bride is actually my younger sisters friend (I think I just got a sympathy invite) that means we get a whole bunch of Aunt E and Miss Kamie time today.  Oh, and Bronz too. 

Daniel (for a change) knows no one at this wedding.

His text to Bronz:  Hey wanna go to a wedding tomorrow where we don't know a single person??

You sense the sarcasm, I'm sure.

My Starbucks is calling loudly. . .

Happy Weekend!


JD-isms for the week:

Examining his owies:  Mom, hurt is surrounding me.  I feel like hurt *rushes* to me.

Discussing the Model T:  Mom, do you *know* Henry Ford?

On his sore back:  No, Mom, it's not bruised.  I think one of the bones in my spine is out of stock.


  1. Sounds like a really fun weekend! Enjoy it! And I love JD's funny comments!

  2. the wedding does sound fun:) enjoy!!
    and your kid!!! He is hilarious!!! Gave me my morning laugh:D

  3. haha those JDisms are too funny! Have fun at the wedding! And I forgot to mention on your last post, but I love the colorful folding chairs! Great idea!

  4. haha! Love Jacob's comments!
