I should keep a running stat on how much cold cereal has been consumed at this house in the last several weeks. . . (wow, do twenty year old guys eat a lot).
What am I learning these days? I am learning about contentment and creativity.
My inner American house-glutton constantly desires more.
Early this year I started praying that God would change our housing situation in order to allow us to minister more effectively. Looking at this thought in black and white words, typed out, it looks like what it is: discontentment cloaked in spiritual needs.
Cuz see, I wanna have people over and have a little guest suite that they can stay in and stock a fridge in their room. So they're comfortable. I want their children be able to play in a huge playroom inside when it's raining so that there's relative peace for the adults to talk. For fellowship. And definitely I would like a school room so that my kids can learn in a less distracted environment . For education.
So aren't those valid concerns?
Well, sort of.
And sort of not.
I watched, a little amazed, as we somehow ended up hosting a small group with thirteen members who do fit into our living room. The childcare (I was sure this one would stump God) was provided and besides moving some furniture around each week. . . it's really easy to prepare for.
I feel a bit like an observer in my own home watching God work out details that I thought I needed a bigger house to solve.
And this work crew thing. Some brothers, some friends. . . sending them all to a hotel was tempting for me. It's a lot of work. And laundry.
But then my children would miss moments like these:
It's good, in our fragmented, broken society, to slow down a little, to live a little smaller, to wait our turn to use the restroom, to crowd around a dining room table, to do life with one another.
I know better than to believe that things=happiness, but I live a hypocritical lie when I say that house=hospitality. It doesn't.
Hospitality is your heart open to your neighbor, hospitality is an attitude, a generosity, a sharing what I have with you.
**I haven't been able to get Lisa Chan's words on humility and hospitality out of my head. This is a great, quick little listen: Be inspired to share what you have, no matter how small!